
Just a Small Town Girl With a Dream

Kathy Haan lives in a Midwestern town of just 1,900 people, and made a name for herself in the business space. She escaped the corporate world to be a full-time writer, blogger, and author. You can find her non-fiction work in Forbes, Fortune, and US News, where she's a regular contributor.
Haan's novels consist of spicy paranormal and fantasy romance, featuring morally grey heroes, villains, and imperfect heroines.
Her husband, Kirk, is her muse. Her three children are why she works hard; she wants to show her kids the secret to telling a great story is living one. 

why choose // one bed in an inn // one horse // fated mates // villain gets the girl // arranged marriage // enemies to lovers // possessive alphas

Tropes I Love


  1. Bedlam Moon used to be called Scarlet Moon Awakens during my first draft of the novel. I'm really glad I changed it in edits!
  2. The name Bedlam pays homage to one of the three times I'd been institutionalized in a psychiatric unit for clinical depression and a suicide attempt. Late one night, I couldn't sleep because of all the meds they had me on, so I dragged the hospital comforter and pillow off my bed and into the shower stall in my private bathroom. There, I wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Ironically, the 20-something-year-old in the room next to me had done the same exact thing that evening, and when they'd went to check on him, he wasn't in his bed. They thought maybe he'd found a way into my room, but nope. :) 
  3. Originally, Tales of Bedlam had one more king in its lineup, but he was removed during developmental edits because he didn't have a unique enough personality to warrant the clutter. He would've been the king of Sundahlia. 
  4. Bedlam Moon started at 175,000 words, and I whittled it down to 136,000 before bringing it to my editor. It has a lot of first book mistakes, which is why I'm planning a second, expanded edition sometime in 2025.
  5. In Bedlam Moon, Oz calls Lana "Sahira", which means witch in Arabic (ساحرة). During her travels, she thought people were yelling "Shakira" when they catcalled her, which is an experience I really had all over Italy, despite being twice her size in width and height. It just happened to fit really well here.
  6. Some of my books are banned for sale in specific countries because of their content (if you're having trouble accessing my books for this reason, please reach out to me).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can you read my sample/blurb/novel? Or can I pick your brain?
 Respectfully, I am a full-time writer, mother, and wife. My husband and son are disabled, and I have AD/HD, EDS, as well as an entire host of other co-morbid conditions like POTS. I work from my bed every single day. I do not have the bandwidth or energy to read or give feedback on your work. Even if we write in the same genre, I am not your intended audience. There are plenty of resources available for this, and other authors are not that resource. While I am a former business coach, I am not currently. There are plenty of book consultants and editors you can hire for this. This is in no way a slight to you or your work, but a boundary I must put in place because I get asked this almost daily. 

Q: Will you be on my podcast, or can we do a live together?
For the same reasons as above, I turn down nearly every one of these opportunities sent my way. Additionally, I have EDS-caused hearing loss, which makes it incredibly difficult for me to hear competing voices on lives. Again, this is in no slight to you—I don't even go live with my friends or PA. Sorry.



Book one of the Fae Academia series takes place at Bedlam Academy, the most prestigious university in the fae realm of Bedlam. It's where Rose will receive her magical education, as well as lessons in friendship, temptation, love and heartbreak.

This series is spicy, and is of the new adult variety.

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