Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Author

Surviving in the fae realm is not for the faint of heart.
Lana learns this the hard way when Dolphina Darling, cult leader and time-traveling vampire witch extraordinaire, forces her through the portal before the next Bedlam Moon.
Determined to protect herself and her twins, Lana finds herself alone in the woods, cold, barefoot, and unable to use her magic.
Things only go downhill from there…
On her first night in Bedlam, Lana is violently attacked by a cruel fae and left for dead. To her surprise, her screams reach the ears of Finian “Finn” Drake, the Luna fae who owns these woods.
Finn rushes to her aid and ends up helping Lana in more ways than one.
He becomes her guide through the woods, her personal magic tutor, and a middleman between her and the three kings of Bedlam, the very men who can help Lana discover what became of her mom and grant her immortality…
But when Lana’s barter with the three kings costs her everything, she’s left stranded in a strange castle, and Finn has to make a tough decision: Should he risk going to Earth to recruit Lana’s vampire mates?
Will they even believe his version of events?

Tales of Bedlam (Bedlam Moon, Book 2)

Mom of three (#AutismMom, #Ally, LGBTQ+ household). Wife of one (despite what my #whychoose novels might suggest). MBA. Full-time writer. 5th cousin 4x removed of Emily Dickinson. 7th cousin 7x removed Jane Austen. Business coach. ADHD. bestselling author. lifestyle + travel blogger. FAA drone pilot. Forbes Contributor. Fortune contributor. Spoonie. EDS. Medical zebra. Midwesterner. 37 countries and counting. Former pageant girl. Former financial advisor. Corporate escapee. Former seminary graduate student who now writes faerie 🌽. Probably on a flight. Book a day club. Former sailor. Investor. Philanthropist. Conservationist. Bimmer X5 for life. Hybrid vehicle kinda gal. Stovetop popcorn obsessed. Soft spot for the morally grey. Happily ever after. Slytherin, minus the transphobia.

Fave tropes: one bed in an inn, sharing a tent, one horse, fated mates, villain gets the girl    

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Escape With Kathy

Your nExT REaD by Kathy

Never barter with the fae. It's a hard lesson that'll cost Lana everything in book two of the Bedlam Moon trilogy. 

Your Next Read by Kathy

Thirty-four-year-old Lana Chapman-Sawyer sets out to discover why her mom disappeared when she was a kid. Instead, she finds love, even more questions about her mother's disappearance, and an entire supernatural world right under her nose. 

Your Next Read by Kathy

A war between vampires, fae, and werewolves might cost Lana everything in this trilogy conclusion.

Your Next Read by Kathy

On the Bedlam island of Academia, witches and fae attend university for their magical education.

Your Next Read by Kathy

When Morte, a fae of the phoenix order, ends up in the fae equivalent of hell, she's desperate to get back to her realm. She tries to convince Aggonid of her innocence, but he doesn't believe her, and makes her life a living hell. Can Morte go back to Bedlam before her heart—and her life—are destroyed forever?


"Wow! Talk about an emotional roller coaster. So many things just go wrong for Lana & her mates so early on that it's almost painful to see how many more pages are left to read. Page after page my emotions felt like they were going through a kaleidoscope as one moment I was up then the next moment I was dashed to the ground. And the cliffhanger at the end is OMG! Kathy Haan has done an amazing job at getting me emotionally invested in the stories she is weaving. I very highly recommend this series." - Amazon Reviewer

Bedlam Moon Book Review

"I read this book in a day and a half working it around my real life. What a fun escape it was! It was well written with no pages I had to plod through. It kept me entertained until the end and it left me wanting more. I already pre-ordered the next two books." - Amazon Reviewer

Bedlam Moon Book Review

"This has got to be the book of the century..nothing is figured totally have to read to see what happens..i am so bummed to have to wait for the next book..the author is phenomenal and should be very proud at what she created. Hats off to ya my soul sister. Keep on being wonderful and give me book number two. Much love..!!" - Amazon Reviewer

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